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QA & Testing Services 

Create confidence by testing.




Why testing?

By investing in testing, you can save time, ensure your product's quality, prevent bugs, reduce development costs, and improve performance.
In the end, this process ensures that a software product or application does what it is supposed to do.


Try our best asset:
Open Source Automation with Robot Framework

easy set up

Easy Setup & No Dependencies

Installation/update process through simple command line. Robot Framework Core can be used on its own, without dependencies. Accelerators can be discarded at any time.

update with low impact

Update with low impact

Based on a 2-year history, in our projects less than 5% of keywords or syntax are affected by regular releases (every 2/3 months). 


Gherkin Ready

Natively a structure in the Gherkin format can be used to design test cases.



The maintenance of test cases is often done only by changing a keyword to a more recent one or by adding a new parameter. The keyword-driven language will solve more than 65% of new situations.



More than 90% of the keywords used in our test script are standard and well documented online with many examples.



All custom code is in python and easily accessible on the platform (no compiling required or special permissions or infrastructure).


Robot Framework Ecosystem by Syone

Robot Framework



Automation out-of-the-box setup
10 Business Test Cases automated for FrontEnd.
User Manual & Tutorial for beginners 
Daily progress report & Final Report
Maintenance object repository and overall business test cases under guarantee
Object repository and test cases evolution with update to the latest valid values/scenarios 
15 new Business Test Cases automated for FrontEnd
Daily progress report & Final Report
Maintenance object repository and overall business test cases under guarantee
(Requires Starter Pack)

Object repository and test cases evolution with update to the latest valid values/scenarios 

Automation Premium out-of-the-box setup (Robot Framework + Jenkins + Docker + Elastic)

10 end-2-end business test cases automated

Daily progress report & Final Report Maintenance

Maintenance object repository and overall business test cases under guarantee

(Requires Starter Pack)

How we can help you

Test Automation

Enables our clients to set up a Fast & Cost-effective feedback for each delivery. The test case automation: Web, Mobile, and API can build your own Test Automation Factory by promoting continuous automation delivery.



Functional Testing

You give us the requirements, and we will test them for you. We deliver functional testing either in Waterfall or Agile, engagement model in a per-project base or as a Testing Factory.




We enable our clients to set up and evolve and give the best testing practices. Testing and QA Consulting: We guarantee you skilled and certified testers that can do all E2E test activities, including Test Management.



Global QA Assessment

It's critical to help our clients to understand their needs. Global QA Assessment allows identifying critical problems and the best testing practices to solve them.



Acceptance Test Support

Empower the business to validate productive and cost-effective solutions. Acceptance Test Management and Support Training, Testing Tools Configuration, and others.




Why Syone?

ISTQB Certified

Skilled Testers can do all E2E test activities, including Test Management

Syone's factory handles
your project from A to Z

Established practices and tools

Multicultural and Gender
Equality Environment


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